
Paula M., Edwardsville, IL

Sleep Apnea

“I no longer feel guilty about not treating my sleep apnea because now I use my oral appliance every night.  I hated everything about my CPAP.  It was very uncomfortable, I had to sleep on my back and it restricted my movement.  The CPAP left marks on my face, it was hard to transport and it was loud.  My oral appliance is comfortable, very easy to clean and I can take my appliance anywhere.  I love Dentistry With TLC.  Dr. Smith is very knowledgeable, friendly and professional.  She truly cares about me and the staff is very friendly and professional as well.  My appliance is well worth the cost and Dentistry With TLC made it affordable with a payment plan.”

Vicki P., Troy, IL

Sleep Apnea

“I love that no one knows I’m wearing my sleep appliance when I use it at night.  I didn’t like the CPAP because of the way it looked and the noise it made.  However, my appliance is quiet, discrete and it helps me sleep well.  My life has improved since I started using my sleep appliance because I sleep better now and I have more energy during the day.  Everyone at Dentistry With TLC has been very pleasant, helpful and supportive.  I’m so glad I decided to get a sleep appliance. It’s been well worth the money I spent.”

Carlyle O., O’Fallon, MO

Sleep Apnea

“I got used to my oral appliance in just two days.  I’m able to sleep well now and no longer feel tired during the day.  It’s well worth the cost for a restful night of sleep.  My CPAP was very difficult for me to wear because it would fall off during the night.  Now that I use an oral appliance, I’m able to move freely, I can breathe easily and it fits like a comfortable mouth guard.  I had an accident recently and broke some bones in my face.  I would not be able to use my CPAP at all, but I can sleep with my appliance comfortably.”

Edward M., Brighton, IL

Sleep Apnea

“Dr. Smith is a peach, Sara in the financial department is super and the entire Dentistry With TLC team is great.  My oral appliance has made a wonderful and dramatic improvement in my life.  I learned about Dr. Smith and this appliance from fellow members at my church.  I used a CPAP and disliked everything about it.  Now I use an oral appliance and I my medical doctor said I no longer need to use the CPAP.  My oral appliance is so much easier to clean than my CPAP and  convenient for travel.”

JoAnn T., Imperial, MO

Sleep Apnea

“My life has improved since Dr. Smith made me an oral appliance because now I can breathe at night and I get a better night’s sleep.  I used to use a CPAP but I felt claustrophobic and I couldn’t sleep with that machine.  My oral appliance is completely different.  It’s easy to travel with, easy to take care of and it doesn’t make any noise!  Everyone at Dentistry With TLC is very pleasant and friendly. I’m very satisfied with my experience here.”

June C., Pocahontas, IL

Sleep Apnea

“My appliance is comfortable, it’s small enough to carry in my purse when I’m staying overnight away from home, and it helps me sleep well so I feel better during the day.  Before I had my appliance I used a CPAP and I found it to be very uncomfortable.  It was such a pain to unhook my CPAP and go to the bathroom, then hook it back up before going back to bed.  I’m so glad I decided to get my sleep appliance at Dentistry With TLC.  Everyone is friendly and helpful.”

Andrew S., Venedy, IL

Sleep Apnea

“I’m very pleased and have no complaints about my sleep appliance or Dentistry With TLC.  I tried to use a CPAP and couldn’t get used to the hose and the noise.  I saw Dr. Smith on TV and decided to get a sleep appliance.  I got used to my appliance the very first night.  It’s easy to use and it helps me fall asleep fast.  I sleep much better now.  I even feel better and have more energy during the day.”

Janet C., O’Fallon, IL

Sleep Apnea

“I really disliked the noise of my CPAP. I love that my oral appliance is quiet, it allows me to move around in my sleep and it’s easier to travel with than my CPAP. I’m sleeping better with my oral appliance. I heard about Dr. Smith on TV and I’m glad I came to Dentistry With TLC to get an oral appliance.”

Peter C., Alton, IL

Sleep Apnea

“Dr. Smith and everyone with whom I’ve worked are kind, caring and very competent.  This has been a great experience!  Before I got my oral appliance I used a CPAP and felt like an alien.  I was claustrophobic and would toss and turn in my sleep.  I’m a mouth breather and would tear the mask off during the night.  With my oral appliance it no longer matters where or in what position I sleep and I can easily breathe through my mouth.  My appliance is portable.  I’m MUCH more alert and rested.  I have more energy and joy.  I consider the cost of my appliance is negligible compared to my results.”

Ron B., Bartelso, IL

Sleep Apnea

“Don’t wait.  Get this oral appliance as soon as you can.  I used to use a CPAP and I disliked everything about it.  Since I’ve been using my appliance I sleep better at night and have more energy during the day.  I no longer use my CPAP and don’t have to deal with the noise of my CPAP when I sleep, I don’t wake up during the night and my wife sleeps better too.  I’m glad I learned about Dr. Smith on the radio and drove to Godfrey.  Everything at Dentistry With TLC has been great.”

Robert A., Mascoutah, IL

Sleep Apnea

“Before I used an oral appliance I was tired all day and rarely dreamed because I wasn’t getting deep, restful sleep.  Now that I use my oral appliance I dream nightly and am not tired all day.  I also yawn less.  My appliance is easy to use, easy to clean and completely portable.  My CPAP was ineffective and I disliked the maintenance and cumbersome feeling.  My experience at Dentistry With TLC has been terrific.  Everyone is friendly and helpful.  My appliance is totally worth the cost because the results are great.”

Ross D., St. Charles, MO

Sleep Apnea

“I got a great deal on my oral sleep appliance at Dentistry With TLC because Dr. Smith makes more of them than any dentist in the entire country so she gets a discount and passes the savings on to each patient.  She and her team were straight forward with me from the beginning, very helpful, fast, very courteous and professional.  When I tried to use a CPAP and hated everything about it.  I love that my oral appliance is small, portable and it works.  I no longer snore, I sleep better, I feel more rested and I no longer doze off during the day.”

Scott B., Collinsville, IL

Sleep Apnea

“The top three things I love about my oral sleep appliance is that now I have more energy, I have more energy and I have more energy.  It only took me just a couple of nights to get used to sleeping with the appliance in my mouth before I started to notice I slept better, felt more rested and had more energy during the day.  I tried to use a CPAP but could never get used to it.  I’m glad I saw Dr. Smith on Channel 4’s “Great Day St. Louis” because now I sleep better and I have more energy.  Did I mention that I have more energy?”

Gerald H., Staunton, IL

Sleep Apnea

“I tried to use a CPAP to treat my sleep apnea but I just couldn’t sleep with the CPAP machine.  It only took me one night to get used to my oral appliance.  It’s easy, it works and I feel so much better during the day.  I’m no longer tired all the time.  My appliance is worth it’s cost and I’ve had a good experience with Dr. Smith at Dentistry With TLC.”

Nona M., Gerald, MO

Sleep Apnea

“Using a CPAP made me feel like an old, dying person! The CPAP was bulky and hard to carry when I travelled. My oral appliance is small and makes traveling much easier. It gives me the freedom to move easier at night and I can cuddle with my husband again. The cost of the appliance is well worth the freedom it allows me! I love being more mobile and my husband loves that I snore less with my oral appliance. I’ve always experienced caring and helpful people at Dentistry With TLC. I appreciate that they made taking on my insurance company easier than if I had to deal with insurance alone.”

Daryl A., House Springs, MO

Sleep Apnea

“I couldn’t use a CPAP because I hated everything about it.  Now that I use an oral appliance I sleep better, I’m no longer getting up four or five times every night and I’m dreaming again.  I feel more refreshed and alert during the day since the quality of my sleep is better at night.  If you are concerned about the cost of the appliance, don’t be.  It’s worth it for a good night’s sleep.  I’ve had a great experience at Dentistry With TLC.”

John S., St. Genevieve, MO

Sleep Apnea

“Getting an oral sleep appliance from Dr. Smith is the best move I have made.  I used a CPAP for 8 years before I got my appliance and I really disliked sleeping with a mask on my face.  Now that I sleep with my oral appliance I rest more soundly at night, my wife is happier because I no longer snore, and I am full of energy during the day.”

Robin L., Fairview Heights, IL

Sleep Apnea

“I wasn’t able to use a CPAP because I would take it off during the night and it made traveling difficult.  I don’t have any problems with my oral appliance.  I can use it all night, every night.  I sleep better, no longer wake up with headaches and I have more energy all day.  I got used to my oral appliance immediately.  I’m so glad I saw Dr. Smith on Channel  4.  My experience at Dentistry With TLC has been fantastic!  I recommend Dr. Smith to anyone looking for a dentist or who has sleep apnea issues.”